A Fond Farewell from our Student Heads
The people here are our best friends. They are the people we have turned to, the people we have laughed with and the people who we will all remember for the rest of our lives. Even if we might not still see each other every day, we will never forget the times we have shared and the memories we’ve made.
“The friends, memories and experiences we have had here will shape our future, and have paved the way for the rest of our lives.”
During our time here, we have often turned to teachers for advice and without their care and support, I doubt we would look back so fondly on our time here.
They have helped us when we have been struggling, looked out for us when needed, always doing their best to ensure we have been successful in the classroom and happy beyond it.
However, no feeling of happiness could compare with our experiences this year. Being chosen as Head Boy and Head Girl has been both an honour and a privilege. It truly has been the pinnacle of all things that have ensued throughout our time at RGS, and it means so much to us that we have been able to represent such a fantastic and amazing group of people. You are all amazing people, in your own individual ways, and our experience really has been such a pleasure because of you all.
Our times at RGS do not end as we leave. Whichever path we follow, we will always have this school in common. We will never forget it. It is a part of us, and the people of RGS have made all of that possible. We came to this school as children. And we will all leave as adults. As we say our final words to you all, we’d like to leave you with this quote from Invictus, by William Ernest Henley: ‘It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll. I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul’.
Thank you all so much for the support you have given us throughout the last seven years.
Dannie Harris and James Taylor, Head Girl and Head Boy 2014-2015