Last Wednesday afternoon, Lower and Upper School students were addressed by visiting speakers on various PSHEE themes. Fourth Form considered issues around mental health including how to recognise associated difficulties in themselves and how to maintain strong and healthy minds. Alex from the Self-Esteem Team shared his own personal story with the group, giving sound practical advice on how to cope with any challenges they may face with their mental health and that it can be managed and overcome with the help and support of friends, family and qualified medical professionals.
Miss Fran Lee, Head of Psychology at RGS spoke to the Third Form on the Psychology of Happiness. Her talk addressed concepts on the role of the brain as a multi-functioning organ with a lot to do during a student’s time at RGS and beyond! Her talk encouraged students to realise that in order to work efficiently their brain should have the right amount of hormones including dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. Miss Lee helped students consider that healthy hormone levels in the brain can be maintained by eating well, getting plenty of exercise, sleep and rest which will consequently help students to be happy, able to achieve and and enjoy all aspects of their young lives.
RGS were fortunate to also host Reggie Dabbs accompanied by the School’s Project who, as an international speaker, visits the UK a few times a year to tour schools. First, Second and Third Form students were touched by Reggie’s personal story and those he has been moved by in his life. He shared a message not only through words, but also by playing the alto-saxophone, getting students to sing along and interact, all of which helped to promote ideas of self-importance, self-belief, respect for themselves and others, community and love for all and believe that they each have the potential to succeed.