Read-a-thon in Aid of St. Catherine’s Hospice
Last term the Second Form took part in a read-a-thon where they were challenged to read as many books as they could in a term and to raise money for St Catherine’s Hospice. Felicity from St Catherine’s Hospice came into assembly to let the year group know how their fundraising efforts help support the local charity. She told the students that St Catherine’s Hospice was established in 1983 and they are experts in end of life care. They are the leading provider of hospice care in Sussex and East Surrey, helping around 2,100 terminally ill people, their family members, friends, and carers each year. They provide expert hospice care, when and where they are needed most. Their skilled teams are on hand to support people living with terminal illness in their homes, in their Day Hospice and on their wards. Their care is only possible, thanks to the generosity of the local community who donate to and volunteer with them. Each year around £7.5 million is donated by their supporters and more than 1,000 people volunteer to help give their tailored care when people need them most. Community support means they are there when life comes full circle.
Josh W in the First Form and his dad set up ‘The Big Pants Campaign’ in aid of St Catherine’s Hospice and they are aiming to raise £100,000. The Second Form raised an amazing £1447.35 in total towards Josh’s total target. Jasmine W read 50 books, whilst Jacob L raised a staggering £200 towards the final sum. 2HGC were the form that raised the most together but all forms made significant contributions to the total.