Announcing the new NHS Scholar initiative
As a school, we are honoured to be able to support our NHS key workers and wider community through our #RGSWeCare initiative, however, we wish to go further. As such, Reigate Grammar School is recognising the outstanding work of front line staff in the NHS, care homes and the emergency services, by prioritising 10 assisted places (bursaries) specifically for the children of health workers.
We wish to raise awareness of this commitment and ask members of our community to help spread the word.
“Our school, and its global community, recognises the outstanding contribution that NHS key workers make to the health and wellbeing of the British people, particularly at this time of national crisis. We are in awe of their commitment, passion and bravery as they protect and care for us all from their pivotal position on the front line.”
Shaun Fenton, Reigate Grammar School Headmaster
The 10 NHS Scholar places – which are available immediately – are reserved for the children of parents who work within the NHS and care sectors, including nurses, paramedics, porters, and cleaners.
Mr Fenton adds, “The coronavirus crisis has reminded us that there are a whole host of professionals who keep hospitals and the wider health community running. These are the parents who we hope will be inspired to apply for a place for their child on our NHS Scholar programme.’
For more information please email:
Future plans…
Later this year, we will also be launching a special NHS Sixth Form bursary fund to discover and nurture the NHS medics of the future.
RGS already has strong reputation in this field with 100 percent of applicants accessing first-choice places at medical school in recent years.
“We all recognise the value and importance of our NHS. We also appreciate that not every child has the opportunity to realise their dreams. This fund will allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to access a world-class education and fulfil their ambition to follow a medical pathway. We need our special community to help us to nurture the NHS heroes of the future.”
Sean Davey, Head of Foundation
For more information on how you can support this important initiative, please contact: