
Top results for twins


Twins, Charlotte and Sachin T, both big contributors to Reigatian life, have scored fifteen 9/8 grades between them with an additional five 7 grades. Sachin is a keen cricketer and hockey goalkeeper, playing for many of the school’s sport teams during his time at RGS, whilst twin sister Charlotte has represented the netball team, is a member of the Senior Girls Voices Choir and has performed in a number of school productions. The RGS students are also both keen pianists.

The twins are excited to continue their studies at RGS, benefiting from the excellent facilities that the Harrison Centre offers. Sachin is excited to study Design Technology, Maths and Physics, while Charlotte goes on to study History, English and Politics. Upon receiving their results, the twins said:

“In a difficult year for staff and students we are very proud of our results and want to thank our amazing teachers for all their hard work, support and encouragement.”

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