
British Biology Olympiad Success


Congratulations to all of the students who took part in the British Biology Olympiad. All Lower Sixth Form biologists took part along with four Upper Sixth Form students, between them achieving three gold medals, four silver medals and three bronze medals along with 17 Commended certificates and 13 Highly Commended certificates. This is incredibly impressive given that the Olympiad is aimed at Upper Sixth Form students.

The Royal Society of Biology Olympiad is open to Sixth Form students across the UK. This year 8476 students from 622 schools took part.

Main photo medal winners
(L-R) Ed S (gold), Sanjanaa K (silver), Al-Amaan M (silver), Tom D (silver), Oscar G (gold), Lakith G (silver), Victoria W (bronze), Katie C (gold), Rosalind A (bronze) Izzy M (bronze) (missing from photo)

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