
To Space and Beyond


Third Form student Kieran T, has once again pushed the boundaries on his scientific studies and which sees the publication of his first thesis. As a member of i4is and the youngest member to pass the i4is starship propulsion test paper, Kieran was invited to submit a thesis for inclusion in the i4is magazine.

I4is publish an online quarterly magazine called ‘Principium’ (available for free download from http://www.i4is.org/publications ) to which many international scientists contribute. In recognition of Kieran’s achievements, he was given the great honour of writing the Guest Introduction to the latest edition. Kieran spent a great deal of time researching this, his first internationally published scientific thesis. All the science within it has been checked by and approved by the i4is scientists.

It is an astonishing piece of work and will, hopefully, help to propel Kieran into his chosen career. Well done Kieran, we are excited to see what you do next!

To read the article in full please click here: Principium_13

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