RGS Choir Cathedral Tour
On 26 October, members of Polyphony and the RGS Godfrey Searle Choir set off to sing evensong in two beautiful cathedrals along the south coast. First stop was Portsmouth where the cathedral building is not quite what one might expect to find. Although there has been a church on this historic site for 900 years, the current cathedral is a combination of structures from over the ages, only fully completed at the end of the 20th Century. The choir stalls are modern in design and the atmosphere is one of light stone and open space. The acoustic was stunning and the choir sang very well, in spite of their heavy lunch – food was to be a strong feature of the tour!
On Friday, a walk by the river Arun with Arundel Castle dominating the view was enjoyed by all, followed by an educational water tour out of Chichester Harbour in the glorious sunshine before finally descending on Chichester Cathedral for evensong.
The clergy at both cathedrals were particularly complimentary about the standard of the choir and many positive comments were received from parents and members of the congregation. Singing evensong in these stunning cathedrals has already inspired a number of senior students who are now looking to become choral scholars at Oxbridge colleges.