Sofia shooting goals
Sofia G, captain of RGS’s 1st VII netball and tennis teams and keen club and county player, has shot more goals with three A* grades in her A Levels in English, Politics and Spanish. Sophia has been a key contributor to RGS’s volunteering programme, giving her time to help many children and young people through the YMCA on their Yippee programme and working with Surrey Young Carers. During her work with Surrey Young Carers, Sophia presented an assembly to Hodgson House about her work, which then decided to adopt it as the House Charity for the year.
Sofia is excited to be doing a dual degree at a French university. She will study at Sciences Po in Poitiers, on the west coast for two years before heading off to University College London (UCL) to study European Social and Political Studies. Not yet certain about her future career, Sofia said:
“I want to do a job that allows me to make an impact upon the world. I recognise that I have been very privileged in my education and I want to raise awareness so that everyone can have the same opportunities as I have had.”
Sofia then said:
“I want to say a big thank you to all of my teachers. I couldn’t have done it without them.”
About juggling her sport, charity work and academic studies, she said:
“I couldn’t have done it without my parents taking me to and from activities, and also without the good relationships with my teachers who understood and supported me.”
Speaking about the Covid situation she added:
“It’s been really hard not having closure to the school year and being able to celebrate the end of school. But we realise that things need to be put on hold for a while, while those on the front line do their jobs.”
Sofia is celebrating her results by having lunch with her parents and then seeing friends tonight.