
DofE Awards 2021


We are delighted to announce that over 150 RGS students have achieved their DofE Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. Despite restrictions, students have persevered with their activities and shown great resilience and enthusiasm. They have spent many hours keeping fit, volunteering remotely or at home for the good of others and developing new skills during lockdown.

As a result of postponed expeditions some Gold Award students are continuing to work towards their awards over the course of this term and will complete them in the summer.


Zayna A Etalie C Grace G Katy J Sophie N Aimee S
Inioluwa A Anusha D Hector G Alex J Tom N Zachary S
Austin B Jamie D Faye G Heulwen K Thomas N Taylor S
Husaina B Will D Zoe G Asher K Harry OD Tabitha S
Laura B Lucy D Elsie H Lukas K Muna O Gemma S
Maddie B Joel D Anya H Sophia L Kishan P Maariyah S
Kaitlyn B Edward D Eloise H Ailsa L Kush P Freya T
Lauren B Niamh D Jake H Arun L Diyen P Barney T
Kimberly B Rebecca E Cameron H Gus L Anna P Anush U
Edward B Clara E Amelie H Zongqi L Eva P Sophia V
Emily B Fayyad F Laura H Joseph L Ria P Vraj V
Nicolas C Oliver F Antonia H Bjorn M Isabella P Hannah W
Lilly C Henry F Ellie H Sheara N Menaal R Noah W
James C Lily F Millie H Ben MD Isobel R Emily W
Juliette CW Caitlyn F Cristiana H Connor M Isabella R Emily W
Zaima C Esme F Grace H Anna M Benjamin R Oliver W
Vicky C Ethan F Scarlett H Jamie M Ella S Olivia W
Harry C Mollie F Oscar H Alex M Nithya S Ellie W
Henry C Anna G Matthew H Aurelia N Nijay S Max W
Jemima C Florence G Sophie H Mehak N Abbie S Sandy W


Rosalind A Grace F Lili H Ellen McL Charlotte N Stephanie S
Emma B Elise G Elise H Jack M Ellie OD Miranda S
Tahlia CS Anthony G Eloise J Joseph M Freya R Elliot S
Megan C Lauren H Marie-Guilaine J Eleanor M Callum S Freya T
Edward C Rosa H Anusha K Olivia M Rohaan S Rebecca W
Abigail C Georgia H Kanika K Harini M Purvaja S Carly W
Lauren D Lucy H Taylor L Iris M Felicity S Douglas Y
Jasmine F


Lucy D Catherine G Oliver H Emma H
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