
Lower School

We believe that every child should be happy, healthy and high-achieving. We tailor-make each child’s school experience to enable them to achieve their best.

The Lower School reflects the vibrant, ambitious and caring ethos of Reigate Grammar School. Throughout their time in the Lower School, children will take part in many exciting school events; from their initial Admissions ceremony when they join the school to charity Zumbathons, whole year choral performances to sports tours. The Lower School provides a strong pastoral foundation on which to try out new activities, learn valuable organisation skills, build supportive friendships and grow into high performance learners.

We pride ourselves on our warm, welcoming atmosphere in the Lower School, in which each child is known and supported individually. Each student is in the care of an experienced Form Tutor who will see them every day and will be the first point of contact for parents. The Form Tutor will normally also teach their Form for at least one subject. The Head of First Year takes overall responsibility for the welfare of the students at this stage and parents can make an appointment to see either the Form Tutor or the Head of First Year at any time. Along with the Head of Lower School, the pastoral team get to know children quickly, helped by events such as our Taster Day before children join the school, our First Form party and trips including Harry Potter Studios! We understand that every child is different. We are keen to understand what motivates and enthuses each child, so that we can support them to settle quickly and achieve their best. No homework is set for the First Form for three weeks, after which subjects are steadily introduced until the October half-term, allowing a gentle transition and time for students to adapt and settle into Lower School life.

We operate a mentoring scheme whereby senior students meet and support junior boys and girls. Sixth Form mentors are each assigned a First Form student with similar interests and passions. They meet on a weekly basis to participate in fun activities, PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) sessions and for special trips to the Sixth Form café! They form close friendships and the mentors are a valuable support to our First Form students. Sixth Form students are also encouraged to become involved in coaching junior sports teams and helping at clubs if their own commitments permit. Such interaction between age groups benefits all, and allows the community spirit we prize within the school to thrive.

At the age of 12, girls and boys move up to the Second Form whilst benefiting from the continuity of the same tutor and Head of Year who have established strong working relationships with them. Class sizes remain much the same – generally under 20. Second Form students are also a valuable form of support for the First Form students, and the sense of camaraderie is tangible throughout the Lower School. Second Formers act as buddies to the First Form and have a particular student to whom they are assigned for support and guidance, passing on their experience and advice.

In the Second Form, students are given greater autonomy over their subject choices, selecting up to three languages that they wish to pursue. Towards the latter part of the Second Form, students begin the process of choosing their GCSE subjects in preparation for the start of the GCSE courses in Third Form. Students are offered personalised, tailored support throughout this process to help them to choose the best programme of study for them. They also enjoy an extended independent project called ‘Six Degrees of Separation’ which encourages them to explore their interests beyond the classroom through a variety of media, including documentaries, podcasts, books, plays, excursions and activities. We are confident that children grow throughout the Second Year in self-awareness and intellectual curiosity ready to begin their GCSE journey confident in their abilities, interests and work habits. Students begin the Upper School with a healthy balance of academic confidence in subjects within and beyond the classroom.

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Happy kids, great results. A school with a kind heart where happy pupils thrive.

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Reigate Grammar School is rated as ‘Excellent in All Areas’

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