The popularity and success of swimming at RGS has grown year on year since the completion of our indoor pool in January 2009.
RGS students have the opportunity to swim every day with large numbers attending early morning squad training.
We currently run U12-U18 boys’ and girls’ teams throughout the autumn and spring terms with students competing in regular galas as well as county competitions. The culture and success of swimming is growing termly and it is down to the hard work of students and coaches that we are achieving unprecedented success in this area.
We regularly achieve top 6 finishes in the Surrey Schools Relay Championships and have won a number of the district events. Swimmers have also had the opportunity to swim in the Individual County Championships, swim in friendly galas and the Rotary Club Swimarathon. Our Under 18 squads were recently invited to swim in the prestigious Bath Cup at the Olympic Pool for the first time and we have also had a number of swimmers reaching the National Biathlon Finals.
Students in the First to Fifth Form are given the opportunity to use the pool in curriculum PE lessons and the Fourth to Sixth Form can choose swimming as their games option.
In addition to the curriculum swimming we run 6 extra curricular sessions a week.
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RGS Gallery / Snapshot of the School

RGS Gallery / Snapshot of the School