
Timetable for decisions


Autumn 16+ information evening and A Level options evening
Open to existing RGS students and those coming from other schools, this is an opportunity for students and parents to talk directly to Heads of Departments and other staff about the courses on offer. Current Sixth Form students are also on hand to give advice, and the Deputy Head (Academic) and the Head of Sixth Form give short presentations.

October assemblies
Presentations are made to the current Fifth Form from those departments who do not offer subjects at GCSE  e.g. Economics, Politics, Psychology

November preliminary choices
We design our Sixth Form subject blocks from scratch each year to try and accommodate all students’ combinations of subjects. In order to enable us to start construction of the Sixth Form subject blocks, you will be asked for an initial choice of subjects. This will not be binding, but please bear in mind that unusual combinations of subjects may not be possible if not flagged up at this stage.

November 16+ assessment day/evening (external candidates)
External candidates will be asked to state their preliminary subject choices in advance of the assessment day.

January mock GCSE exams
These will give you a firmer indication of which subjects you may wish to pursue at A-level, and they are followed almost immediately by the Fifth Form parents’ evening for internal students.

February Fifth Form parents’ evening
At this, you and your parents can discuss with your subject teachers (and others) your suitability for your chosen subjects in the light of your mock results.

March firm choices
At this stage, the Sixth Form subject blocks will be complete, and you will be asked to confirm your subject choices. This information will be collated and lists sent to Heads of Department and form tutors. Any problem areas will then be discussed and parents contacted if necessary. After this, there will be further opportunities to review your choices but you will only be able to change subjects if set numbers and blocking arrangements permit. This is to ensure that set sizes do not go above a maximum of 12.

March 16+ assessment day (external candidates)
Any additional external candidates who did not attend the November assessment day will be asked to state their final subject choices in advance of the March assessment day.

May to June GCSE/IGCSE examinations

August examination results
If you wish to change your subject choices in the light of your exam results, you will need to see the Deputy Head (Academic) on results day itself. While we will do our best to accommodate all requests, the limit on set sizes means that it may not be possible for you to change subjects at this stage.